fredag 8 mars 2013

Debuggers just have to love them

Spend around 20 hour the past days reading about anti debugging tricks.
And i find it very interesting will write a Class for it since i lost my usb stick all my old and "current" project no longer exist so to speak. I would also need to make my self a new dropbox account our equal.

I think Yandex migh be worth a try =), back on topic i have found many samples how ever most off them are for C++.

Over and out

tisdag 19 februari 2013

Abusing tumblr to spread malware

A friend kindly shared this link with me,
then after that we go to

and pie, there is a java applet

Pretty fun to see that tumblr can be abused like that, i have never seen it before...
How ever for reporting a tumblr a mail is fine (that nice)

tisdag 12 februari 2013

Phoenix Downloader source code C#

Since i have now lately made up my mind and decided to start learning C++,
I also decided to clean up some off the massive source code in C# i have.

Phoenix is a basic downloader/dropper, that attempt to download a file and drop it one the hard-drive. 

The builder GUI is very straight forward,
You choose if you want to delay the process of downloading and executing, and it also offer to add start up for the dropped file.

I recommend using App data instead off System 32, for a higher success since appdata is more UAC friendly then system 32.

Please don't miss use it only use it for education usage :).
Credit: CaptainBri

You will need a program such as 7zip to unpack...

torsdag 17 januari 2013

Another Domain says "canceled" due to abuse

You can read about it here,
It appear to be a browser addon that cause it.

Any way probably used to host some JDB there our other shit, when i visited the there hosting where canceled. How ever i just reported to and yeah the suspended the domain at least ^^.