Quick tutorial one how to use ILSPY, notice ILSPY is one off many tools i found during lonely nights in front off a computer screen. In the feature i will hopefully post short tutorials about using other tools from basic to average and so one.
ILSPY is a decompilern, when a program our application is compiler interprets your C# or Visual Basic .NET statements, and creates a series of MSIL statements that will be executed by the .NET Framework.
What a decompiler does should be quite self explained :) it does what the compiler does reversed. And there by allowing you to inspect source code off a Compiled application.
How need a decompiler ?
Decompiler can be used to find bugs, and sadly be abused to crack software.
Keep in mind that copyright laws does exist. But Decompiler can alos be used for good reasons such as giving a detailed information about how a program works (etc malware).
Where can i download ILSPY ?
Offical website for
In the menu in the upper right corner "Download Binaries" to download a working binary copy off ILSPY.
Notice that .NET framwork 4.0 is needed.
How to start it ?
First after unzipping, the folder should contain a few .dlls and a .exe,
The content might be different then the screenshot i attached since my version
might not be up to date based one when you are reading
this. ILSPY.exe is the application it self start it
You will now see something like this, the dropbox showing "C#" repressent what langauge should be used to display the decompile result.

The icon in the menu stripe that looks like a refrehs button from a web browser, allows you to reload a assembly. Now to check out a assembly just Click one "File" and a Open File Dialog should pop up.
If you would like to save a decompiled assembly, go File and then "save code..." How ever the source will most like not be compile able right after being saved some error might exist :)